Twin Engineers Pvt. Ltd.

“Twin Engineers manufactures specialty machines for transformer casting and mostly competes with the global players in the space.

They were struggling to put together an in-depth product brochure, giving an overview of the technology.

We attended workshops, met their customers,competition to develop a series of collaterals that created a strong buy-in for the customers.


Web Design

Case Studies



Building Excitement
A methodical representation of all that Twin does
to build in the excitement in minds of the audience

Modular Releases
Establishing Twin as a thought leader through
it’s quarterly print magazine “convergence”

Iconic Representation


Growing Interest
A website that converts excitement into Interest,
and also guides the user, know more visit us


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know more visit us

End-to-End Information
Product brochure that transfers all
information that buyer is looking for

Trade Show
Ensuring Twin’s brand stands out in
the Indian as well as International markets

Success Stories
Stories of success that converge about
Twin’s Technology and efforts in developing one.

Social Media



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