20 Oct 2018


Selling to businesses is about convincing them to pay for a solution.
Problem with selling is it is not welcome.

Who waits for someone to come & sell him/her something?

That’s the trickiest part of marketing.
You know you have build an amazing product.
You know the potential customers’ challenges are addressed if they use it.
But selling is convincing them to pay for it.
Why would someone pay for ISO certified company’s selling.
Why would someone pay for Industry Leaders selling?
Why would someone pay for Best of the technology being sold?
So, what’s the solution? Don’t Sell!

We are serious. Don’t just sell. Tell.

Epuron is an Australian company which is into the business of renewable energy equipment. When it wanted to sell the wind-energy equipment, it told this

When someone ‘TELLs’ you something, you listen. Selling has to fight for a hearing!

Selling is forgettable. Telling is memorable.
Selling may get complicated. Telling makes things simple.
Selling revolves around offerings, features, benefits & all about you.
Telling is about the change you want to see in this world & is all about them-the stakeholders.
So, Don’t just sell hereafter.

Tell something, Sell Something!

Fighting for attention while SELLING?
Yuktee can help you TELL something that gets you that priced commodity!


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